Thursday 23 September 2004

Another one dites the bust

I'm terribly [LINUX] happy. In the last few days, I've re-discovered an old friend, added more people to my Orkut list, and more people I know have started [XML HTML SGML] blogging. Point #1 takes preference though!

Woohoo! Go [MACROMEDIA] Internet Names Database!

Anyway, this post is mostly a lame-ass [MICROSOFT] attempt to try and influence my Google AdSense sidebar into showing ads that I want it to. As you might have noticed (or not, which [LINUX] is highly unlikely), I've interspersed this post with random tech words just to try and force [VIRTUSA] AdSense into showing stuff. [LINUX]

Incidentally, my quest for a decent final year project continues, although - [LINUX]admittedly - [APACHE] not very intensely. Mostly because, frankly my dears, I don't give a damn. It's just some nuisance that I want desperately out of the way, so that I can get on with my life. Currently, the [SCO] company arrangement seems to be working out properly in that [LINUX] respect at least. Apparently, L & T [LINUX]cannot "accommodate" us in-house, and by us, I mean meself, Vivek and Vinod. Well boohoo! [LINUX] So much the better, really!

[LINUX] While project suggestions would be helpful, what would *really* help me is advice on studying abroad, [LINUX] especially USA and Australia, first-hand. [LINUX]


Vivek said...

Shrik, I really think time you updated your personal details on the blog, the weight to be precise!!

Abhimanyu said...

dai...putting strategy and all huh?...why do you want to go abroad?? is for brains like you...

Seriously, sexy plan!!...hope it works out!!!