Saturday 24 June 2006

Here, and loving it!

[More detailed post on first experiences to follow when laptop comes to hand. My first laptop!]

Monday 12 June 2006

Thursday 8 June 2006


The reason for the existence of this blog has finaly been realized.

Soni kudi!

Person of unknown gender from Los Angeles, searching for Punjabi girls, visiting the blog of a Tamilian, settled in Mumbai.

This space - an equal opportunity corner of the World Wide Web. I promote diversity. Just like said L.A resident's ISP.

Thursday 1 June 2006

Wonder of wonders

Goach stunned us all the other day, by throwing light on a particularly dicey problem. IN CODE! (This was enumerated here.)

As a result, I looked through the stuff, had no clue how to correct the bug, and fell back on that time-tested adage: Google is your friend. This was followed by some laborious scouring of some rather tedious (and terse) JS references, and managed to churn out another version of the random number picker thingy. (Wow, used a lot of adjectives there, dinn'I?)

Hopefully, it works now..

HT Funnies

No, not the daily comics.

First is the MTNL advertisement announcing that calls between Mumbai and Delhi will be treated as local calls, which carries this little gem towards the end:

One might argue this isn't really an HT funny. Indeed, the same ad was splashed in other newspapers. But this next one is most definitely attributable (is this word attributable to me now?) to HT:

If I were made to pay for sleeping, I'd go crazy and do crazy stuff too..