Wednesday 14 April 2004


Hey people (that's right, all 3 of you).

I know it's been quite a while since I've updated this, but I've had a lot of nothing to do while in Bombay, and everytime I looked at the blog, I never felt like typing, soo...

Anyways, I went to Ratnagiri the for the Easter weekend. It's a nice enough place, but the best part of the trip was a vada pav/misal pav centre in Panvel. Oh ya, and Ratnagiri mangoes were decent too :) Ratnagiri = home of the Alphonso, btw, for the uninitiated..

The exact details of the trip are somewhat hazy, although I did end up watching Anbe Sivam and Dhool. I'll probably remember more stuff and put them into the next post.

Ohh, almost forgot. I'm on study leave now, waiting for exams to begin this Monday. All the best to me first, and to everyone else next! *grumbleboringkrapgrumble*

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